Rakkaita muistoja ruoasta. Vieraalle arkisia valokuvia, mutta minulle muistoja onnen hetkistä.
Dear memories about and related to food. To someone else there's not that much to these photos, but for me they are precious memories of even more precious moments.
Kaunis, herkkuja notkuva pöytä, vanhan talon tuoksu ja taustalla musiikkia.
Beautiful, filled table, the smell of an old house and lovely music.
Kun ruokaseurana on ystäviä, ei ruoan hienoudella ole enää niin väliä. Eikä myöskään sillä, syödäänkö lattialla vai pöydän ääressä.
When you eat with dear friends, the fancyness of the food doesn't matter that much anymore. Neither does it matter whether you're sitting on the floor or at the table.
Tämä oli onnellinen tuokio, ja aivan yksin.
This was a happy tableau, and I was all by myself.
Parasta sianlihaa, mitä ikinä olen syönyt, sai paikallisilta markkinoilta, jossa kokonainen sika oli grillattu. Pehmeää, maukasta, mehukasta, juuri sopivan kypsää, taivaallista. Valitettavasti joku ilonpilaaja nillittäjä, jonka sielua syö toisten onni, kuulemani mukaan valitti hygienisyydestä, minkä jälkeen ei tätä jumalten ruokaa enää markkinoilta ole saanut. Sitä muistellessa.
The best pork I have ever eaten was served at local market/fair, where a whole pig was roasted on a spit. Soft, tasty, succulent, perfectly well done, heavenly. Unfortunately some killjoy whinger, whose soul is gnawed at by the joy of others, apparently carped about hygiene, after which this sustenance of gods hasn't been available at the market. Here's to the memories.
Ehkä ihanin voileipä koskaan, Italiassa maaseututien varrella olevalla levähdyspaikalla. Tuoretta leipää, kermajuustoa, rucolaa, prosciouttoa ja loistavaa Gorgonzolaa. Ja seurana rakas. Tarvinneeko sanoa enempää?
Perhaps the best sandwich ever, on a rest stop in Italy next to a country road. Fresh bread, cream cheese, rucola, proscioutto and fabulous Gorgonzola. And with my beloved. Need I say more?
kotoisa näyttely
4 years ago
The sandwich raises strong memories of Italy for me, as well. Mmmmmmm...
ReplyDeleteYou can't see it in the pic, but it was raining and we were eating under these massive umbrellas we had to hold at the same time. The table was next to a pond and there were what seemed like thousands of unbelievably cute tiny frogs. It was a great holiday.