TEEMA: Ensimmäisten lumien kunniaksi, Syksy.
I have a bad habit to start projects and new things only to forget about them relatively soon. I'm hoping maybe this time might be different. I thought that in the absence (or avoidance) of other sensible things to do I could try to make it a habit to post a photo or two from my archives, just to while away the Sunday evening. I don't take that many pics, but there are a few snapshots buried in my folders. So here's the first sample.
THEME: Because of the first snow, Autumn.
Sade tekee kaikesta kaunista.
Rain makes everything pretty.

Puutarhalammikko, tuskin lätäkköä kummempi.
Garden pond, barely bigger than a puddle.

Ja yksi viime vuodelta.
And one from last year.

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