Nämä kuvat muistuttavat onnen hetkistä, kun kaikki oli maailmassa oikein.
Once upon a summer I got acquinted with Naantali through a work gig, only to lose my heart to its calm morning hours and slow, rainy afternoons.
These photos remind me of happy moments, when all was right with the world.
Kaupungin korkein mäki.
The hightest hill top in the town.

Naantalin satama ja sataman merirosvovene.
Naantali's marina and the marina's pirate boat.

Kaikkia ovia ei avata.
Some doors are left unopened.

Uimapaikan rantakallioita.
The shoreline rocks at a swimming spot.

Tässä tornissa sateisen uimareissun jälkeen, myrskyn noustessa meren yllä ja tuulen ulvoessa, lopen uupuneena nukuin päiväunet.
After a rainy swimming trip when a storm was already gathering strength and the wind howling and I was dead tired, I had an afternoon nap in this tower.

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