Aikomuksena on jonain ajanhetkenä tulevaisuudessa vielä jatkaa helmaa noin tuumalla, villis saisi olla hieman pitempi ja valkoinen rantu helmassa saisi hihansuutkin näyttämään enemmän kuvaan kuuluvilta.
A local second hand clothing shop (nb, not a flea market) had a nice sweater for sale for less than €2. Thick, soft, cabled and lovely colour. Sadly, the sleeves were too short. Luckily however the yarns for the blanket fit the sweater well both in colour and thickness. Not even my wrists will get cold from now on.
I'm planning on adding a white stripe to the hem as well, about an inch or so. It's just a tad too short to be completely comfortable and a white hem stripe would make the sleeves fit in better as well.

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