Keräsin vihdoin rohkeuteni ja tein korvakorut sterling-hopeasta. Tavara ei ole halpaa ja pelkäsin munaavani, mutta ilokseni ensimmäinen yritys poiki kelvollisen lopputuloksen.
I finally gathered my courage and made these earrings with sterling silver. I was worried I might muck it up and waste valuable raw material, but the first try turned out all right after all.
I'm a language obsessed habitual tinkerer fighting a losing battle with a useless madness for pretty things. Main interests may or may not include at present: tea, dictionaries, books, gardening, food, making jewellery , knitting/spinning, sewing, painting, drawing, binding books, outdoors and British whodunits. Contact: wantonlunacy (at)gmail (dot)com.
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